Chakra Tea no added flavouring

Chakra Tea no added flavouring

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Come and begin a journey through your body and bring it with mind and soul into harmony. Let the surprisingly refreshing effect of all these individual spices and colours do their deed. Chakra is Sanskrit for Wheel. From the root to the crown, the energy is flowing.


apple pieces, fennel, China bamboo leaves, ginger pieces, orange peel, carrot flakes, cinnamon pieces, blackberry leaves, eucalyptus leaves, black pepper, rose petals, white rosebuds, basil, raspberry leaves, lavender, marigold blossoms, beetroot.
Important: Always brew with boiling water and let infuse for 5-10 minutes in order to obtain a safe beverage!

 5-10 minutes brewing time
 100° C water temperature
 3-4 heaped tblsp./1 litre

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50g, 100g, 200g


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